Ayurveda my personal experience.


Ayurveda my personal experience.

When I recently went to Kottakkal Arya Vaidya sala for my yearly treatment, I received a very shocking news. One of my favorite masseuses commented "You have something buried deep within your chest, Chechi. It is larger than a mustard seed but smaller than a pepper corn". "Please check it out" she insisted and then pressed it hard to show me and I let out a painful cry!

One of my favorite masseuses at Arya Vaidya sala, has a knack of finding unusual lumps or bumps deep in the body, removing them with consistent daily massages. Arya Vaidya Sala meticulously trains their massage therapists. They are trained to monitor any unexpected occurrences and have a thorough understanding of each part of your body. The majority of those who gave me massages have 12-16 years of experience. They work in excellent conditions and receive good remuneration and benefits as Arya Vaidya Sala employees. Every few years or so, they need to retake exams in anatomy to ensure they are up to date. They specialize in massaging people with spinal problems, gangrene, stroke victims, and joints, nerve, skin, and muscle problems.

One of the masseuses informed me on the second day of my treatment that I had an unusual swelling in the upper region of my chest, which she said she will be monitoring. When I went for my treatment, I was experiencing excruciating pain in my right arm which I assumed was a result of a pulled muscle from traveling and carrying the suitcases. The doctor who was treating me indicated that if it is a muscle strain, it shouldn't pain in the location I had it; it must be another cause. He also said that he would monitor it.

After three weeks of treatment, swellings that I had in every area of my body except my chest and armpits went down. My right arm continued to hurt, and the pain had moved to my armpits as well.

The massage therapists said, "Sorry, Chechi, this is beyond us. Please go to a doctor immediately," as they bid me farewell.

The Massage therapists literally treat you like their own sister, so it's difficult to say goodbye to them when you leave. They are extremely sincere, considerate and loving. Four or five of them come in each day to massage you. Four of them massage your body while one heats the oil (or sometimes two if you are receiving a dhara on your head). Two massage your upper torso and two your lower. And they do an amazing job.

Coming back to the United States to see my primary care physician was my plan. However, my husband (who also came for treatment with me) suggested that I have a mammogram immediately. For me, the idea of taking a mammogram in India was scary. However, my brother, a pharmaceutical professional, insisted that there is no need to fear as he knows a location that is comparable to any US diagnostic center. I decided I‘d rather get an ultrasound instead.

He was absolutely right. It was a beautiful facility in Chalappuram, Kozhikode, known as Saroj Diagnostics. The place was incredibly tidy, spotless, fully air-conditioned, with modern equipment. The radiologist performing the ultrasound was highly skilled, knowledgeable, and spoke excellent English. Her assistants, who were transcribing her instructions to them while she performed the ultrasound, were excellent too.

Yes, the masseuses were right. I did have a small cyst deep in my breast. Fortunately, it was just an infection, and in ten days, I recovered after taking antibiotics. The severe pain I had in my arm also subsided.

I am so grateful to Arya Vaidya Sala, the attending physicians, and the masseuses. Without their knowledge and the help that they provided me, I would have been unaware that the pain in my upper arm was caused by a deep-seated infectious cyst in my breast. I would have just kept taking painkillers. Both the pain and the infection would have worsened, possibly requiring a surgery. Who knows what would happen in that situation?

But my gratitude to Arya Vaidya sala goes well beyond that.  I have been going there for the past eleven years since 2014.

In 2014, I was diagnosed with a rare form of auto immune disorder called Autoimmune chronic spontaneous urticaria that prevented me from eating anything. No matter what I ate, I would break out in extremely itchy hives all over my body, including my ears and throat. I was forced to take an injection called Xolair twice a month, which costs $1600 each time (out of pocket expense), in order for me to lead a regular life.

My allergist put me on a strict regimen of 12 antihistamines a day plus 60 mg of prednisone when I told him I had to travel to India to see my mother who was sick. He said that was the only way I could live a regular, hive-free life there. 

I started to feel like a zombie once I began that regimen. I was constantly moody and lacking in energy. I took three Benadryls and one 30 mg prednisone tablet in the morning, three levocetirizines in the afternoon, three Zrytec around 4 pm, and three levocetirizines and one 30 mg prednisone tablet right before bed. It did not feel right. I knew deep down that I had to stop this, but I wasn't sure how.

My mother passed away in the midst of all of this, which made me feel even more hopeless. My mother was my foundation, and my greatest supporter. It was like the solid support system that I had become so accustomed to and took for granted was collapsing all around me. The only way I could handle all of this was to go within, surrender and ask God for help. I suddenly realized one day while meditating that I should try Ayurveda as an alternative treatment option and called one of my aunts, who visited Arya Vaidya sala annually for treatment. She connected me with one of the chief physicians and fixed up an appointment for me. My brothers accompanied me to consult him.

He asked that I get admitted immediately to start treatment. The treatment consisted of Pizhichil, Udvarthanam, podi kizhi, vasti, nasyam etc (explanations of these treatments as links below)

Vasti is an extremely beneficial treatment to take and is one of the Panchakarma treatments. Panchakarma treatment are  five cleansing procedures. These are called Vaman, Virechan, Vasti, Nasya, and Raktamokshana. These terms stand for laxative measures, herbal enemas, vomiting therapies, nasal rinsing, and phlebotomy. These procedures help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, respiratory tract, and blood vessels of unwanted substances.

Here is an explanation of Vasti (from two websites):

As Vata is a dosha that controls a majority of our bodily functions, Vata imbalances caused by food or environmental factors trigger malfunction. Vasti (Enema) treatments are extremely effective in removing Vata-based toxins from the system. There are two Vasti treatments - Niruha Vasti and Anuvasana Vasti - that are administered according to the patient's body condition and treatment requirements.

Anuvasana Vasti is Enema Therapy using medicated oils. The colon is where Vata primarily resides and this procedure revitalizes the lower intestinal tract.

Initially, intensive lower abdominal massages are given to the patient to loosen toxins and prepare the body for the detox procedure.

A herbal oil mix is then administered via the anal cavity. This stays in the colon and heals it. Toxins are eventually excreted. This herbal enema is a nourishing type of Vasti.

It alleviates constipation, distention, chronic fever, the common cold, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, vomiting, backache, neck pain and hyper acidity. Vata disorders as sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, and gout can also be treated by Vasti treatment. There are about 80 vata related disorders in Ayurveda. About 80 percent of them can be treated with medicated enemas.

When all the toxins in my body—in this case, the allergy medications—were eliminated from my body following the seven-day vasti session, my condition got worse.

I experienced severe itchy hives everywhere, not leaving a single uncovered spot.

(with Dr. P.K. Warrier and Dr. A V Ratnakumari)

Late Padmashree Dr. P. K. Warrier, who was the chief physician there came to see me. Despite appearing 60 years old, Dr. Warrier was 95 years old at the time and extremely healthy. He was an Ayurvedic medicine pioneer, visionary, a genius, and someone I greatly admired. He had a very soothing voice and was energetic, sharp and witty. He had such a great aura that all he had to do was enter the room, and you would feel better. That was the kind of persona he had. He has healed patients that other doctors had given up on. He has saved people from many types of cancer, gangrene amputations, knee and hip replacements, made bed ridden stroke victims walk, to name a few. I feel fortunate to have known him and receive treatment from him.

He asked me about every illness I had ever had, going all the way back to when I was three years old. He paid close attention and asked me a lot of questions. "I will take care of your menstrual pain right now," he said. "No! Please don’t do that, I have had it from a young age, I'm able to cope with it. Please help me to be able to eat food without getting itchy hives" I cried.

With a sweet smile and a very gentle voice, he told me that he knew exactly what I was going through. He continued by saying that a few people in that town have jumped into the temple pond because they were unable to bear the itching and stated to me, "Kutty, you should not think of doing anything like that!" with so much love. “When the itching is too much for you to endure, bad thoughts may start coming. Nevertheless, resist it. You are a parent to dependent children in a family. You must always be aware of it and believe that it is only a question of time before you get better. You will recover. I will help you. All you have to do is wait” he counseled. "I will get better; make this your mantra"  he added.

He continued by explaining to me the root cause of the issue. He remarked that everything in allopathy is a quick fix. They don't investigate the root problem thoroughly. Their primary goal is to fix the issue right away. Ayurvedic medicine, on the other hand, targets the issue at its source. "Your weak hormonal system is the core of your problem," he clarified. Menstrual pain on a monthly basis is not normal after having kids. It shouldn't hurt this bad. It indicates that your hormone system is weak. And further, your thyroid glands have been weakened by your hormonal problems. 

Your immunity is compromised due to the thyroid glands' failure to function properly. Additionally, your poor immune system is interfering with your digestion. This is causing the hives and explained how it all acts like a chain reaction. "Therefore, we must first address the underlying issue," he said. "And it will take seven years for you to recover fully," he added.

Because I was desperate, I was not convinced. Seven years? Certainly not! All I wanted was to be a regular person. And it will take me seven years to get there? However, Dr. Ratna Kumari, my ward physician, persuaded me. “Give him a chance. He knows what he is talking about. Do it for three months. Check if there are results. Decide your faith in ayurveda after that” she advised.

I faithfully followed his advice for three months—taking the proper medications at the right times, monitoring my food intake, etc.—and Lo and behold!  I never experienced menstruation pain ever again! In addition, my TSH levels, which were approximately 9 at the time, dropped to 1.4. What more do I need to convince myself? I became a believer. 

I'm so glad I listened to Dr. Ratnakumari (Ratnedthi as I called her)

Ratnedthi would always say "Evede Parappile kutty?" (where's the little girl from Parappil?) Dr Warrier would ask her fondly when he came for his rounds. Thats what he used to call me. He took a special interest in me as my family Parappil (from Kottakkal) had a long standing relationship with his family spanning more than 100 years. One of my maternal grand uncle's was his best friend and another their legal advisor for 40 years. A paternal uncle, an architect designed many of their buildings. 

Eight years later, my hives were completely gone! Right now, my only allergy is to gluten. No more prescription drugs, including antihistamines. I consider this a miracle. The miracle that is Ayurveda.

My entire family has benefited from the Ayurvedic treatments they received there. My husband's frozen shoulder improved considerably following his therapy. And my children, who were in pain from injuries sustained while playing sports in high school, are doing better now. Despite having diabetes, my mother never used allopathic medications. She was entirely depending on ayurvedic medicines and the stringent regimen that her doctor at Arya Vaidya Sala, had prescribed.

The three-week stay at Arya Vaidya Sala is a retreat in itself. It is not a resort; rather, it is a hospital. This is not the place to be if you're looking for a resort-style setting. The meals are basic and bland, and the regimen is strict. A strong regimen is necessary for a recovery. If you stick to the routine, you will see results.

People with a variety of issues travel from all over the world to Kerala for Ayurvedic treatments. The most prevalent issues people come to Kottakkal for are rheumatoid and osteo arthritis. Stroke victims, those with spine and nerve difficulties, weight loss, skin conditions, and different kinds of pain are among the other common treatment preferenes. Many also come in for what they refer to as a "tune up." Every aged machine need maintenance. The human body is no exception!

I strongly encourage each and everyone of you to explore this great 3000-year-old tool that India has to offer for your health.

To know more about Ayurveda or for consultation, click the links below:

What is Ayurveda?

Various ayurvedictreatments


  1. Very touching, poignant write up...Thank you Padmini for sharing a detailed account of your painful experiences ending up in a very positive note...You give hope to people like us...

  2. Interesting. Though my father was an allopathic Doctor& I had never taken any Ayurvedavtreatment till I turned 68 but after going to Arya Vaidya Sala I firmly believe in its curative treatment.
    Padmini your article is very encouraging

  3. So well you've articulated your experience at Kottackal....

  4. An encouraging piece for people new to the philosophy of Ayurveda. It takes time, but produces results. I, too , have had positive results but after taking a leap of faith and returning to AVS year after year. Your article paints a clear picture of what to expect. Unfortunately, a lot of people today misinterpret Ayurveda as a fancy spa/ resort facility for massages! I'm glad you corrected that

    1. Yes that was one reason I wrote it. The misunderstanding causes adverse affects too. And people get turned off as they do not get the right guidance. What a loss!

  5. Thank you very much Padmini for sharing your experience at Kottackal. The way you explained your experience is really inspirational. Glad to know that you are feeling better after the treatment.

  6. An excellent proof to validate the rich benefits that India's ancient system of ayurveda has, to offer humanity! Very happy to hear about your complete recovery from years of deep-rooted health issues.

  7. Thank you so much for this informative article. I’m interested to go for treatments after reading your comprehensive perspective on auyervedic treatments!

  8. Well,a very informative article.The merit of Ayurveda must get more recognition,and experiences like this go a long way 🌹 in achieving it.. Well done,Ammu

  9. Thanks Padmini for sharing your experience with Kottakkal. A very informative article. My mom's uncle used to go every year for sukha chikilssa. I am glad you benefited so much from the treatment.

  10. Well written article fully exposing the benefits of Ayurvedic treatment through your own personal experiences. There are so many centers and hospitals in Kerala that offers similar treatments but no one can beat the quality care Aryavidyasala offers! Thank you for sharing.

  11. Thank you Padmini for sharing your experience at Kottakkal Arya Vydyashala. Very useful for people like me who are considering Ayurveda treatment for back issues and allergies. Very insightful read.

    1. You definitely should! Thank you

  12. Excellent article on your real life experience Ammu. I'm sure it will help and motivate many more to realise the effectiveness of this ancient science.

  13. Thank you Padmini for sharing your experiences at Aryavaidysala. It is very informative and nicely articulated. It inspires people like me who has never taken Ayurvedic treatment before and hence not aware of its potential. After reading your narrative of the health issues and pain you endured over the years, It is motivating to see the benefits you received after the treatments. It is a truly inspirational story for any one hesitant to pursue Ayurveda for chronic issues where Allopathy failed to provide relief.

  14. Thank you Padmini for sharing your experiences at Aryavaidysala. I will share with my family and friends. The modern science doesn’t not have all the answers. In addition at every point you had the wiidsom and grace flowing towards you. Much gratitude. Meeea Sharm a

  15. What an amazing journey Padmini!
    Thank you for sharing your personal and inspiring journey of healing! Was raised in a family of allopathic doctors, have been inspired by Ayurveda specially when I learn’t of its origins and how the science was revealed to the ancient Rishis of India as they sat in meditation! Keep sharing more.



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