
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Marakkar I knew...

This month a movie named Marakkar the lion of the Arabian Sea will get released in theatres in Kerala. It is the story of a superhero named Kunjali Marakkar the naval commander of the Zamorins (the kings who ruled Malabar) who fought against the Portuguese in the 1500's. That reminded me of one of the superheroes I had growing up named Marakkar. He was no commander just an ordinary being in my grandmother’s village but an extremely good person at heart. Marakkar that I knew was fair-complexioned with light green eyes, well built with a face that would never stop grinning. He always wore a white sleeveless undershirt and a striped lungi with a large rexin (fake leather) belt that had several pockets and a small towel turban on his head. He came to my grandmother one day requesting her to rent a portion of her garden to cultivate betel leaves which was a huge export in those days. The system where people take lands from others and give a portion of the profit to them was very com